In the U.S, more than 100,000 wildfires burn each year in the western states, including California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah. That’s why it’s important to protect your home and property by creating a defensible space through the fire risk abatement services provided by Westcoast Tree Care. Our certified arborist can protect your home from impeding wildfires by incorporating the best fire-resistant tree care practices.
Best Fire Risk Abatement Practices

Tree Pruning
To reduce the risk of fire, trees should be pruned of low hanging branches no less than 10 feet up from the ground and no less than 30 feet from your home. This is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of a nearby wildfire. Furthermore, if the foliage of your trees is dying, dried-out, or very close together, it’s important to have them pruned to remove these hazardous materials.
- Improves the safety of your home and family in case of a forest fire.
- Provides your home with a fighting chance to survive a wildfire on its own.
- Improves the health of your property and surrounding trees.
- Boosts the view and curb appeal of your home and property.
Deadwood Removal & Selective Tree Removal
Deadwood is a term used to describe any dead areas of a tree. Deadwood is an extreme fire danger as it allows wildfires to spread more easily. If you have dead trees or trees with dead or dying branches, the tree either needs to be pruned or removed completely to reduce wildfire risk. It’s also important to remove diseased and infested trees as they will eventually die thus preventing further infestation and future deadwood.
Tree Spacing
Something many California homeowners don’t think about when it comes to fire abatement is proper tree spacing. Tree spacing creates adequate and clear space between trees and shrubs to slow or prevent the spread of wildfire. That’s why it’s important to make sure there is enough room between the trees on your property to reduce wildfire risk. At Westcoast Tree Care, our certified arborist may recommend tree removal as a part of our fire risk abatement services.
Westcoast Tree Care
If you want to learn more about the best preventative tree care practices to prevent the spread of wildfire, contact our Westcoast Tree Care by filling out our online form or give us a call at 1.800.767.8733 today. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a no-cost, no-obligation quote for any of our fire risk abatement services.