You would never think of buying a home without having a satisfactory report from a home inspector. So why wouldn’t you want to ensure the health and safety of the trees on the property? Not only will a preventative tree care inspection save you money before closing it will protect your liability while keeping your property and loved ones safe.
A tree care inspection isn’t just for older properties. In fact, trees can become a dangerous threat at any time. New and old homes alike can have sick or hazardous trees due to a variety of factors. These can include, disease, infestation, decay, deadwood, storm damage, etc. However, many of these things can be hard to diagnose to an untrained eye. Not only can they spell trouble when it comes to future expenses they can lead to the ultimate death of a tree.
Trees that need extensive work can provide a buyer with the advantage of negotiating a home’s price. That’s why a seller should always have the trees on their property inspected and taken care of before they put their home on the market. Not only can trees account for approximately 25% of a home’s value, they provide an important first impression for prospective buyers.
At Westcoast Tree Care, a professional inspection will involve the assessment of a tree from the ground up. Not only will our certified arborist analyze everything that could affect its health and hazardous potential, we will check for problems that could endanger a house or property below. This includes the roots, structure, limbs, and canopy.
Considering how much value healthy, beautiful trees add to a home, it makes good financial sense to have them inspected. This will help you make an informed and educated purchase while protecting your investment in the process.
Westcoast Tree Care
If you are buying or selling a home in Spokane, WA, one of the first steps should think about is having your trees inspected by a certified arborist. At Westcoast Tree Care we would be more than happy to provide you with a full inspection report along with a no-cost, no-obligation quote. Whether you require trimming, pruning or a hazardous tree removal, our certified arborist is the professional to trust for skilled and efficient tree care services.
Contact us today at 1.800.767.8733.