Washington Preventative Tree Care | Oregon Tree Care Services

Trees are valuable assets that add warmth and beauty to our homes, businesses, parks, and landscapes. However, trees require care and maintenance to ensure their health, beauty, and safety. That’s why it’s important to hire a certified arborist who is trained in all aspects of arboriculture and preventative tree care techniques.

At Westcoast Tree Care, we help homeowners make educated decisions when it comes proactive measures to protect the integrity of their trees while avoiding a wide variety of factors that can cause them to fail.

Preventative Tree Care Services


Scheduling routine inspections will go a long way toward ensuring the health and proper growth of your trees. As with anything, early detection is key. Regular inspections allow our ISA Certified Arborist to evaluate the overall growth, health, and integrity of your trees based on type, size, location and overall appearance.


Properly maintained trees add elegance and style to your landscape. At Westcoast Tree Care, we offer a variety of preventative tree care services to maintain the health and beauty of your trees. We offer pruning, hazardous tree removal, deadwood removal, windsail reduction and view enhancement services to keep your trees looking their best while providing you with peace of mind.


Changes to a tree’s health can often go undetected resulting in an unwanted tree removal service. Prolong the life of your trees by ensuring they are healthy and well cared for. At Westcoast Tree Care, we have extensive knowledge in the condition, location, and age of all species of trees. We will provide you with honest feedback and advice to help you extend the life of your trees by maintaining their overall health.


Safety is our top priority. When you hire Westcoast Tree Care, you’ll be provided with the confidence in knowing that you’ve hired an ISA Certified Arborist with extensive knowledge and experience. We not only understand the latest climbing and rigging techniques but attain the highest level of knowledge when it comes to assessing, maintaining and removing trees safely.

Westcoast Tree Care

At Westcoast Tree Care, we proudly serve homeowners by offering the highest quality of work for all your preventative tree care needs. Contact us at 1.800.767.8733 today. Our certified arborist would be more than happy to take a look at your trees and provide you with a no-cost, no-obligation quote while answering any questions you may have.

Whether you require tree trimming, tree pruning or tree removal, we are the professionals to trust for certified and accredited tree care services!